Lots of individuals who begin using their very first web hosting account, or change companies, usually have inquiries with respect to how given operations are accomplished or run into complications when setting up various things such as emails, site settings, and so on. Because of this, many providers have prepared documentation with common questions and problems so as to help their customers obtain information quickly and seamlessly. Consequently, the customer support staff representatives can spend more time on real issues that some clients may be encountering, because the solution for the smaller things will be available on the World Wide Web and customers will be able to fix them without getting in touch with the client service staff. Having exhaustive documentation is critical, particularly for new customers with no practical experience whatsoever, since the hosting service involves a ton of features and lots of individuals can become baffled about what to do. A good knowledge base can both help you accomplish the procedures that you need and find out how the web hosting service works in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Hosting

If you have purchased your very first hosting plan through our company or have migrated your site over to us, you’ll grow used to our services and our in-house created Hepsia Control Panel in a jiffy due to the fact that we have compiled a detailed web-based knowledge base where you can find all the information that you may ever need – both general info about the service as a whole and more concrete info about the separate features that you can use and the difficulties that you may encounter. The articles themselves are located in two places. The full article list is accessible via the Control Panel’s Help section. You can read articles that are dedicated to the different features in each section of the Control Panel too. You can become aware of how to accomplish basically everything, from creating an .htaccess config file to managing a mailing list, and all the articles feature elaborate guides, so you’ll never get disoriented because of an ambiguous text. Of course, if you bump into a more specific problem and you do not find a solution in our knowledge base, you can contact our client service team members 24/7/365.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our Linux semi-dedicated packages feature thorough technical documentation where you will see information on all the functions that our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel comes with, as well as solutions to different questions and obstacles that you might chance upon. All configuration manuals offer detailed specifications, which is the reason why you won’t have to worry about overlooking something if you would like to export a MySQL database, for instance. The troubleshooting articles encompass a number of probable reasons for certain problems and the solution for each of them, so if you aren’t able to send email messages even though you have the right outgoing mail server settings, for instance, you can swiftly discover what the reason might be and recover the problem with two or three mouse clicks in your email client. As Hepsia has quite a few features, you’ll be able to find applicable articles in each of its sections. In case you’d rather check out all help articles, you can use the Help menu, which is located in the upper right corner of the page.