With a mailing list, you’ll be able to send the exact same email message to separate recipients at the same time. The mailing list is a collection of their email addresses, so every time you send out a single message to the mailing list address, newsletter@domain.com – for instance, it will be forwarded automatically to all the mailing list subscribers right away. Normally, people have to subscribe to such a list, but sometimes email addresses can be included manually too, depending on the app that is being used to manage the mailing list. You can use the mailing list option to reach prospective or active clients and to send them newsletters, new offerings and other kinds of info on a periodic basis. This will prove your commitment to keep in touch with them and will boost the popularity of your site.

Mailing Lists in Hosting

If you decide to order a hosting account through our company, you’ll be able to set up multiple electronic mailing lists with just a few clicks of the mouse through the Email Manager section of our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel. You’ll be able to select the mailbox from which you will send out messages to your subscribers, as well as the administrator email address and password which will enable you to access advanced features when you administer your mailing lists. We employ the feature-loaded Majordomo mailing list management software app, which will allow you to add and to delete users without effort and to modify different settings. If you want to keep in touch with various types of people, you can set up more mailing lists and administer them just as easily.

Mailing Lists in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You’ll be able to set up and to administer multiple electronic mailing lists without difficulty if you’ve got a semi-dedicated server plan with our company. The feature-loaded Email Manager tool, which is an essential part of our in-house built Hepsia Control Panel, will permit you to set up and to delete mailing lists with just several clicks of the mouse – all it takes to do that is to specify the mailbox that you want the mailing list to use to send messages to the subscribers, the administrator address that you will use to manage everything and a password linked to the aforementioned. The Majordomo mailing list client that we employ is very advanced and offers lots of features. You will be able to view all existing mailing list subscribers, to include and to approve new ones or delete those that should no longer receive e-mail messages from you.