Perl Scripting in Hosting
As Perl is set up on our cloud hosting platform, you can run Perl/CGI scripts with all of our hosting plans without difficulty. You may even do this automatically via a cron job if your package comes with this feature. If not, you will be able to include cron jobs through the Upgrades section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Over 3000 Perl modules are present on our servers and you will be able to use them with your scripts. The full list can be found in the Control Panel and when you wish to use any module, you only have to add the path to our module library inside your script. If third-party scripts that you would like to include in your website demand a specific module, for example, you will not have to worry if they will function efficiently or not. In this way, you will be able to make a dynamic Internet site and offer numerous different options to your visitors.
Perl Scripting in Semi-dedicated Hosting
In case you would like to include CGI scripts on your sites or any other Perl-based software for that matter, you will not encounter any problems in case you use a semi-dedicated server account from our company. Thousands of Perl modules are installed on our servers and you will be able to call any of them by including the path that you will find in your Control Panel into the script that you've selected. Any time you download some app from a third-party website, for instance, you can be sure that you will be able to work with it no matter what modules it needs to function. Given that your .pl files have the proper UNIX permissions to be executable, you'll be able to select whether a given script will be run manually by a visitor doing something on your site, or automatically by creating a cron job inside your account. Using the latter option, your script can be executed every minute, hour or day according to your preference.